Free Hosting,domain registration in Nepal,cheap domain registration,free web hosting in nepal
Prabhudomain has launched offer of free hosting on every domain register on
Client who register domain through Prabhudomain will be given hosting of 250MB disk space and there will not be hidden charge on hosting .Domain registration rate will be same(check domain price)
Client who register domain through Prabhudomain will be given hosting of 250MB disk space and there will not be hidden charge on hosting .Domain registration rate will be same(check domain price)
- How client can use this offer?
Client simply go to and search for the domain and register your domain and pay for it via Esewa,Khalti,Paypal or bank which is confortable to you.
Ask support Team about your additional enquiry:
- Email :[email protected]
- Call +9779800932962
After sucessful registration of domain our team will contact you and provide you cpanel login .